Thursday, 31 January 2013

Wedding Fairs

I am currently attending the following Wedding Fair's this year, but please keep checking the blog or the Website for details...

Currently attending the fantastic ACE CENTRE in Nelson on the ....

Spring Wedding Fair 2013 - Sunday 28th April, 11am - 3pm
Autumn Wedding Fair 2013 - Sunday 29th September, 11am - 3pm
Asian Wedding Fair 2013 - Saturday 30th November, 11am - 3pm
Please do come and say HI !

some lovely flower shots...

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Some 2012 weddings...

Below are some images from 2012....more to follow...

WOW what a year 2012 was !!!

Looks like I have neglected my bloggers for some time !!!

2012 was such a busy year for me, from changing to a fully fledged Limited company to taking endless gorgeous photographs of my lovely wedding couples !! I have travelled from the bottom most tip of Cheshire through to the top most tip of Cumbria in providing the best wedding photography I can.

Additionally I have been doing a heck of a lot of work for a local high end magazine in the Ribble Valley.

The next few posts show some of the wedding images I have been truly honoured to take.....enjoy...

Please feel free to comment on here !

My best for now..
